Greetings and salutations,
I am pleased to report the production of our mobile app is underway. Special shout-out to Ashton and his team for taking up this challenge of bringing my vision to the American people.
Consent based identity. It is the future. In it, you’re no longer a product but a person. You will have the power to decide who gets access and who does not.
I had a conference call with the CEO of Ruvos yesterday. His mentorship has been invaluable and so are the people on his team.
We are still looking for a Linux engineer to help us exceed industry standard Cybersecurity requirements. As soon as we can get 1 server into compliance, we can start deploying the source code.
My programmer has been wanting to do some extra work. I asked him to review the source code for an open source social media platform. This is so I can see how much work it would be to connect it to our back end. would be America's first social media platform exclusively for Americans.
We have an election season approaching in 2 years. Wouldn't it be great to be on a platform which COULD NOT censor you, ban you, or manipulate you through an algorithm.
This platform would be offered to those who have a singularity. Because only Americans can create a singularity.
Most social media platforms do not care who their users are. They only care about how many users they can get. would be just like the good ol days. Algorithm free social media. No ads. Just your neighbors sharing what matters most to them.
Imagine talking to someone online and knowing they are an American and not some foreign disinformation agent. A person who cannot hide behind a fake name. will be unregulated. We live in a Constitutional Republic. We do not live in a Democracy despite the propaganda our elected officials pander.
In a Constitutional Republic, the rights of the individual are guaranteed and protected. In a Democracy, the rights of the majority are guaranteed and protected.
The reason our elected officials want you to believe we live in a Democracy is so they can take away our rights and face no opposition. 😟
For those who fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know.