What’s up you cool cats and kittens! Friday the 9th of April, I met with CILA Labs for what I believed would be decision day. You see I have been in talks with CILA for over a month. That in itself is impressive. The reason being is simply the amount of work CILA puts into validating a founder, a company, and the problem the company seeks to solve.
What’s interesting about Friday’s meeting is the fact the CPO didn’t actually have his lightbulb moment until Thursday the 8th of April. It finally clicked for him the night before our meeting. What really helped our case is the fact I built CILA an interactive demo website that explains my vision for the application. All CILA had to do was click a button and hear my voice explaining what that page did for the citizen and how the backend connected.
There are different ways each person learns the material. Some people are visual. While others are auditory and tactile. I combined all 3 in my presentation. Reading is a challenge for some people so I had to make my presentation entertaining. How would I know my vision would be entertaining to a company that might very well be determining its future? I didn’t. So I wasn’t going to take a chance.
Eric, the CILA Labs CPO thanked me for the demo I put together. He told me my idea and vision are solid. The next part CILA needs to see from me is my marketing strategy. How am I going to convince businesses as well as citizens to use Mass Address to manage their identity?
I have until Wednesday to deliver my strategy. Luckily for me, I have been preparing for 5 years. I have an entire Pinterest Board dedicated to Business Development. I also have 12 inches of research between my corporate binder, journal, and notes which have not been transcribed into my journal.
The CPO has asked me to look into a blockchain backend. The industry seems to be moving toward blockchain and asked my thoughts on it. I guess if we make it off the chopping block, I’ll have that conversation with the engineering team.
Building an entirely new service for the internet is RIDICULOUSLY hard. For starters, you need to understand that the industry, as well as the Federal Government, do not value privacy. Privacy is a buzzword scribbled on a cocktail napkin. My company will be the gold standard when it comes to privacy. NOBODY in the civilian market will be able to match our standards and/or policies for years to come. The market has no idea what’s coming.
If we shift toward blockchain, our issue with storing transactions is no longer a problem. Bitcoin is not regulated by PCI-DSS compliance. This is a big deal because transactional receipts will violate the privacy of users on the platform. Remember, Mass Address is only a bridge. We don’t care who crosses the bridge. We just make sure it’s secure.
I’ll keep you updated. Share your thoughts.