After 6.5 years, G-d has opened my eyes
I have set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall serve as a sign of a covenant between Me and the earth. Genesis 9:13
Yesterday, I was eating dinner at Jason’s Deli with my youngest daughter Rebecca. While we were waiting for our food to arrive, I spent some time in prayer while Rebecca was munching on a sugar cone. I poured my heart out to G-d like I usually do.
I have always known that if G-d could not open my eyes regarding market penetration, Mass Address was doomed to fail. It’s been a source of pain in my heart for 6.5 years.
Imagine being told to build a tool and the person who told you to build it never tells you how it will be used. You know this tool is absolutely unique. You know this tool was built for a specific purpose but despite your exhaustive research, you do not know what that tool is used for. This is the struggle I have had since I started down this road.
Mass Address is a private change of address service which runs on Decentralized Identity. That sounds great, but how does that affect your life? Welp, for 6.5 years I have had no idea how to get that solution into your hands. Mass Address is a dual market startup. These are the most difficult startups to get to market. Why? It solves 2 problems in the market place. Most startups only solve 1.
Mass Address solves a business problem and a user problem. We solved the user problem last year. We created a network which ensured an identity cannot be replicated on the internet. This solution will give the owner piece of mind knowing their identity is safe from exploitation.
The business problem was solved yesterday at dinner. I wish I could share how we are going to get into the market but we have many spies seeking to stop us from doing what we are doing. I have lawyers creeping my linkedin profile. Remember, $256 billion market. Do you think those people want to give up that money?
Do you think those people want to lose the ability to buy and sell human identities? The answer is no. Mass Address will shut down many unethical companies within a few years from launch. I will make a public statement on Linkedin warning these companies to get out of the identity exploitation business or risk significant financial losses and/or closure.
After my eyes were opened, Rebecca and I finished our dinner and headed home. I was teary eyed emotional. It started raining. A few miles down the road, G-d sent us a rainbow. It was an arch right over the road. For those of you who do not understand the significance of the rainbow, let me share.
G-d created the rainbow as a sign that He would never destroy the Earth again with a flood. It is a sign of His covenant. 6.5 years ago, G-d told me to pursue Mass Address and gave me 3 signs of confirmation. I have long wanted to give up. My family has asked me to give up. My wife has nearly divorced me over it. The end is in sight.
He sent a rainbow because He knew I would understand what that meant. In closing, I wanted to share a bit of tech news. Ashton has put together a tech stack for the new Mass Address source code. It’s acronym is literally NOFROD.
The Big 5 worked hard to silence this startup. We have been censored by Facebook, Twitter, and Google. The good news is we don’t need them to be successful. ;-)